Patient information page
How to get involved in research
List of places where patients can go to find out more about research generally
NIHR People in Research (here), find out more about helping out with research and what opportunities are available
Healthtalk (here), find out more about how to be involved and see other people’s stories about the interaction between patients and researchers. This site also offers a lot of information about how to cope with skin conditions as well as general information about how to interact with your GP or what to consider when participating in a clinical trial.
Where to find clinical trials
You can influence and take part in research too.
There are multiple websites, covering trials in the UK or worldwide
UK – here
Cancer specific - here
Thames Valley specific (also includes patient experience surveys) - here
If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please contact and
UK TREND currently has patient support group representatives on its Steering Committee and would be happy for more patients or relatives to become members of UK TREND (please see membership form link below).
Patient involvement in research is crucial and UK TREND is eager to support patients in finding helpful information and ways to be involved.
Useful Links
National Eczema Society Regional Support Group
BAD resources
On the BAD website there are patient information leaflets available that explain various skin diseases in easily accessible language - click here to view these.
The BAD website also have a list of patient support groups. These are groups formed by patients to offer support and advice to others afflicted with the same disease - click here
Understanding research
If you are interested in research generally you might think about undertaking the Future Learn course (here) or other courses on this website from findacure (here).
Explanations of the key stages of clinical research can be found in the following pages see here.